HOME > Conference > 2018 Smart Geospatial Expo

Floor Plan



Date Place Time Program Host Overview
Sep 13 308B/C 09:30~17:30 2018 ICGIS National Geographic Information Institute Detail
307B/C 13:00~18:00 3D Geo-Spatial Information System Building for Digital Twin City Korea Land and Housing Corporation,
Korea Institute of Urban Planners


Date Place Time Program Host Overview
Sep 12 307B 12:30~17:00 International Seminar on HD Map The Council on C-ITS Detail
308B/C 13:00~17:00 International Spatial Data Seminar KOREA REAL ESTATE SOCIETY(KRES) Detail
Sep 13 317 9:00~18:00 The 41st Cadastral Seminar Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Korea Land and Geospatial InformatriX Cooperation
307A 10:00~11:30 How to Build a Successful Smart City: Case Studies and GIS Technical Workshop Esri Korea
301 10:00~12:00 Seminar on Terrestrial Observation Satellites Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation National Geographic Information Institute
327 10:30~15:30 Defense GIS Seminar Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
301 12:30~18:00 The 17th Geomatics Forum National Geographic Information Institute Korean Association of Spatial Information, Survey & Mapping
318B/C 13:00~16:30 Policy Debate on Convergence of Contents for Future Vision of Cadastral Resurvey Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation
300 13:30~17:30 Geospatial Information Standards for Smart and Sustainable Cities Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation National Geographic Information Institute Korea Land and Geospatial InformatriX Cooperation
318A 14:00~16:00 Workshop for Corporate Partnership Korea Land and Geospatial InformatriX Cooperation
304 14:00~18:00 mago3D Technical Workshop Gaia3D, Inc.
Sep 14 307B/C 13:00~17:00 THE Hydrography and Ocean Science Forum Smart Geospatial Expo 2018 Hydrographic Society of Korea, Center for Geoinformatics at institute of urban science, University of Seoul Detail
307 A 14:00~16:00 The 8th UAV Spatial Information Utilization Forum Secretariat of the UAV Forum, LX


Date Place Time Program Host Overview
Sep 12 401 13:00~17:30 The 3rd Korea Geospatial Information Awards Korea Land and Geospatial Informatrix Cooperation
307C 13:30~16:00 Presentation on Commercialization of GNSS Altitude Measurements Using the Geoid Model Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation / National Geographic Information Institute
Sep 13 307A 13:30~17:30 Solution-Day / 5th “Solution Day” for Spatial start-ups Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation/ Spatial Information Industry Promotion Institute Detail
Sep 14 307 10:00~11:30 The 3rd Spatial Information Application Idea Contest Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation/ Korea Land and Geospatial InformatriX Cooperation
International Spatial Data Seminar

Program Overview

Date 9/12 13:00~17:00
Place 308BC 3F Conference Room(South) Coex
Participants 130 Koreans, 20 Foreigners
Introduction of Conference Korea·Japan·Germany International Spatial Data Sharing, Exploring Application Strategies and International Cooperation


Time Program Speakers
14:00-14:30 Event information and registration
14:30-15:00 A national rite, speach Joo Minho Director
Korea Real Estate Society
15:00-15:30 The Fourth Industrial Revolution, and Real Estate Kim Taikjin Director
Ministry of Land
15:30-16:00 Present conditions, problems, and solutions of neglected housing and land in Japan Hayasi Tuguo
- Meikai University, Real Estate Sciences Honorary Professor
- Japan Federation of Land and house Investigator` Associations Director
16:00-16:30 Use of Geospatial Data in 4th industry Kevin Dose
- Baasid business development manager
16:30-16:40 Break Time
16:40-17:30 Expert discussion The senior person present
(Myongji University Professor)
17:30~18:00 closing
표준! 공간정보를 스마트하게

Program Overview

Date 2018.9.13(목) / 13:30 ~ 17:30
Place 코엑스 3층 컨퍼런스룸(남) 303호
Participants 100명
Host 국토교통부
Introduction of Conference 메타데이터 및 품질 등에 대한 표준 적용을 통하여 국가와 국민 누구나 쉽고 편리하게 데이터를 활용할 수 있도록 공간정보를 스마트하게 생산할 수 있는 방안 공유


Time Program Speakers
13:30~13:55 공간정보표준의 기본적 이해 및 관련 표준 제도 정영진
13:55~14:20 국토지리정보원의 공간정보사업과 표준화 방향 주현희
14:20~14:30 휴식 시간
14:30~15:15 공간정보사업 단계별 관련 표준 소개 박윤희
15:15~15:30 휴식 시간
15:30~16:15 메타데이터를 활용한 공간정보의 검색 기능 강화 나유경
16:15~16:30 휴식 시간
16:30~17:30 데이터의 품질 확보를 위한 표준 적용 방법 장은미
The 17th Geomatics Forum

Program Overview

Date 9/13/2018 13:00~18:00
Place COEX 301
Participants About 200 [MOLIT(Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport), Supervision Institute, Domestic Corporations, Organizations, Society & Universities, International Delegates, Buyers, The general public and so on]
Host NGII(National Geographic Information Institute), KASM(Korean Association of Spatial information, survey & Mapping)
Introduction of Conference Sharing new technologies, latest trends and so forth in surveying and spatial information industry and by extension, vision suggestion and creation of new business model in spatial information industry.


Time Program Speakers
12:30 ~ 13:00 Registration
13:00 ~ 13:30 Opening
13:30 ~ 15:00 Session 1
13:30 ~ 14:10 Geo-Spatial Information for Smart Cities Peter Hedlund
(OS, England)
14:10 ~ 14:50 I-Construction deployment of Japan Katsunori Tomita
(JSIMA, Japan)
14:50 ~ 15:00 Breaktime
15:00 ~ 16:20 Session 2
15:00 ~ 15:30 Current situation of North Korean in rapid global change Sangyong Lee
15:30 ~ 15:50 Geodetic reference for building spatial information in North Korea Sangok Lee
15:50 ~ 16:10 Fundamental plans for the 6th National Spatial Information Policy
16:10 ~ 16:20 Breaktime
16:20 ~ 17:50 Session 3
16:20 ~ 16:40 The understanding and utilizing of UAV Hyeongkwon Kim
16:40 ~ 17:00 Construction of 3D spatial information and service of 5G drone Yonghoon Kwon
(LG Uplus)
17:00 ~ 17:20 Drone : New Boss on Construction Sites Ki-Hyun Back
17:20 ~ 17:40 The understanding of Virtual Singapore and smart city platforms Sungjoon Byun
(Dassault Systemes)
17:40 ~ 17:50 Prize Draw
17:50 ~ 18:00 Closing
mago3D Technical Workshop

Program Overview

Date 14:00~18:00 13th September
Place #304
Participants People who interested in Opensource 3D GIS and BIM/AEC / 30
Host Gaia3D, Inc
Introduction of Conference Install and use mago3D that can be visualized and managed massive 3D object in BIM/AEC/GIS in web browser.


Time Program Speakers
14:00~14:30 Introduction mago3D Bae, Byeongcheol
Park, Jinwoo
14:30~14:40 Downloading source and Setting Editor or IDE Bae, Byeongcheol
Park, Jinwoo
14:00~14:50 Installing web server(NODE) Bae, Byeongcheol
Park, Jinwoo
15:00~15:20 Installing F4D Converter/td> Bae, Byeongcheol
Park, Jinwoo
15:20~15:50 Converting data Bae, Byeongcheol
Park, Jinwoo
16:00~16:10 Setting GIS and Preferences Bae, Byeongcheol
Park, Jinwoo
16:10~16:20 Building mago3D JS Bae, Byeongcheol
Park, Jinwoo
16:20~16:50 Getting Start Bae, Byeongcheol
Park, Jinwoo
17:00~17:50 Discover API and other function Bae, Byeongcheol
Park, Jinwoo
제41회 지적세미나

Program Overview

Date 2018.9.13(목) / 9:00 ~ 18:00
Place 코엑스 3층 컨퍼런스룸(남) 317호
Participants 지적·공간정보 '야 관련 종사자/약 400인
Host 국토교통부
Introduction of Conference - 지적·공간정보 '야의 우수 정책과제 및 제도개선사항 발굴
- 민·관·학계 상호 학술교류를 통한 미래지향적 발전전략 모색
- 최신 정보공유 및 학술연찬의 장을 마련하여 전문역량 강화 도모


Time Program Speakers
9:00~16:00 지적·공간정보 관련 우수 연구과제 발표
16:00~17:00 특별 연구과제 발표 및 종합토론
17:00~17:30 강평 및 시상식
17:30~18:00 경품추천 및 기념품 배부
THE Hydrography and Ocean Science Forum, Smart Geospatial Expo 2018

Program Overview

Date 14 September(Fri), 2018 / 13:00~17:00
Place Conference room 307B/C
Participants the Grovernment, Construction Industry and Academia
Host Hydrographic Society of Korea, Center for Geoinformatics at institute of urban science, University of Seoul
Introduction of Conference An academic event that discusses international experts' discussions and consensus on Oceanography and hydrography and discusses efficient development of waterway information production, management and use


Time Program Speakers
12:30-13:00 Registration
13:00-13:30 Opening Ceremony
13:30-14:00 IHO UN-GGIM activities and Cooperation for Capacity Building of hydrographic society Parry Oei
(Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore)
14:00-14:30 Development of new marine navigation system David Vincentelli
14:30-15:00 Break
15:00-15:20 TBA Sewoong Oh
15:20-15:40 A study on the direction of coastal precision survey according to Korea small fishing port Jaemyeong Kim
(Seokyeong University)
15:40-16:00 TBA Ryong Huh(KHOA)
16:00-16:20 Establishment a marine vertical datum surface system and analysis of international standards Kijong Han
(UST 21)
16:20-16:40 TBA TBA
16:40-17:00 Discussion
국가 지오이드 모델을 이용한 GNSS높이측량 실용화 방안 설명회

Program Overview

Date 2018.09.12(수) / 14:00 – 16:00
Place 코엑스 3층 컨퍼런스룸(남) 307C호
Participants 공잔정보 '야 관련 전문가 및 종사자 등
Host 국토교통부
Introduction of Conference 국가지오이드모델을 이용하여 일반 및 시공측량 뿐만 아니라 공공측량, 드론, 자율주행차 등 신산업 '야 적용 및 손쉬운 높이정보 실용화를 위한 활용사례 및 정책방향 설명


Time Program Speakers
13:30~14:00 등록 및 입실
14:00~14:05 인사말씀 국토지리정보원장
14:05~14:20 지오이드모델 개발경위 및 향후 추진방향 김건수 사무관
14:20~14:35 지오이드모델을 이용한 높이측량 활용방안 이지선 교수
14:35~14:50 육·해상 수직기준 연계모델 타'야 활용방안 이동하 교수
14:50~15:50 질의 응답
15:50~16:00 총평
16:00 ~ 폐회
3D Geo-Spatial Information System Building for Digital Twin City

Program Overview

Date Sept 13th, 2018
Place 307 B/C
Participants Public & private experts related to Digital platform and 3D implementation
Host Korea Land and Housing Corporation, Korea Institute of Urban Planners
Introduction of Conference Seeking the Role of Geo-Spatial Information in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
An open-talk conference, including experts from Korea and abroad, seeking vision and strategy for applying smart digital twin technology.


Time Program Speakers
13:00~13:20 Registration
13:20~13:35 Welcome & Opening Remarks Event MC
13:35~13:40 Congratulatory Speech Cho, Hyun Tae
Vice President, LH
13:40~14:00 Urban Planning and Management based on Digital Twin Technology Cho, Jun Hyuk
14:00~14:30 Helsinki Digital Twins and Smart Projects Jarmo Suomisto (Finland)
14:30~15:00 Virtual Singapore Ronnie Lee (Singapore)
- Experiences and Learnings
15:00~15:30 Indoor Space as a New Frontier Lee, Ki Jun
Prof. Busan University
15:30~15:45 Coffee Break
15:45~16:15 Smart digital planning tools to improve city infrastructure decision making Christopher J. Petit (Australia)
16:15~16:45 VAG Leak Monitoring 4.0 Jörg Baader (Germany)*
16:45~16:55 Coffee Break
16:55~17:55 Panel Discussion Moderator: Lee, Ki Jun
17:55~18:00 Closing Remark Ryu, Dong Chun
Director, LH


Christopher James Petit
Professor Univ. New South Wales Australia
Ronnie Lee
Professor of KAIST The Chief Director, KCERN
Jarmo Suomisto
Manager of Helsinki 3D+ Helsinki City Finland


Time Program Speakers
09:30-10:00 30' Registration
10:00-10:05 05' Opening Remarks President of KRIHS
10:05-10:10 05' Congratulatory Address Director General of Spatial Information Policy Bureau at MOLIT
Session 1: What is Geospatial AI
10:10-10:40 30' [Keynote Speech]
Place in Geographic Information Science
Stephan Winter
(Professor, The University of Melbourne)
10:40-11:10 30' New Approaches to Space-Time Analytics of Human Dynamics May Yuan
(Professor, University of Texas at Dallas)
11:10-11:40 30' Geo AI for Human Life (TBD) Kyoung-Jun Lee
(Professor, Kyung Hee University)
Luncheon (110‘) : 11:40-13:30
Session 2 : New and Smart Geospatial Information Industries with AI
13:30-14:00 30' [Keynote Speech]
Geo AI for Smart New Industries (TBD)
Brett Dixon
(Asia Pacific, ESRI)
14:00-14:30 30' AI for Smart Mobility Seung-Il You
(Director, Kakao Mobility Data Lab.)
14:30-15:00 30' Geospatial Information and Machine Learning Application in Japan Yoshiki Ogawa
(Researcher, Institute of Industrial Science The University of Toyko)
15:00-15:30 30' Cloud-powered Machine Learnings on Geospatial Services - From the Earth to Your Home Channy Yun
(Tech Evangelist, Amazon Web Service Korea)
15:30-16:00 30' A Deep Learning Approach for Simulating Urban Development Donghan Kim
(Research Fellow, KRIHS)
Coffee Break(20’)
16:20-17:30 70' Round-Table Meeting
(Moderator : Min Hwa Lee)
Closing Remarks


Stephan Winter
Professor of Department of Geomatics, University of Melbourne, Australia
Brett Dixon
General Manager for Asia Pacific, Esri
Min-Hwa Lee
Professor od KAIST The Chief Director, KCERN
International Seminar on HD Map

Program Overview

Date 12 September(Wed), 2018
Place COEX Conference Room 307B
Participants Grovernment, Construction Industry and Academia
Host the Council on C-ITS
Introduction of Conference It is a seminar for the discussion and consensus building to maximize social benefits by collecting and processing systematic information according to the introduction of autonomous vehicle and realizing smooth autonomous driving and preventing traffic congestion.


Time Program Speakers
12:30-13:00 Registration
13:00-13:20 Opening
13:20-13:50 TBA TBA
13:50-14:20 Dynamic map for autonomous driving in Japan (Japan DMP case) TBA
14:20-14:50 Map production and issues related to autonomous vehicles in Europe Youngdeok SEO
(Navis Automotive Systems)
14:50-15:20 Mapping Promotion Trend in Korea Seokwon CHANG
(National Geographic Information Institute)
15:20-15:50 ISO standardization trend for autonomous driving support Sunggon KIM
15:50-16:20 Real-time update technology trend and development status of precision map for autonomous driving Ingoo CHOI
16:20-16:50 Q&A
16:50-17:00 Closing
바른땅 미래비전 콘텐츠 융복합 정책토론회

Program Overview

Date 2018.9.13(목) / 13:00 ~ 18:00
Place 코엑스 3층 컨퍼런스룸(남) 318B/C호
Participants 지적재조사 관련'야 산ㆍ학ㆍ연ㆍ관 전문가 / 100명
Host 국토교통부
Introduction of Conference 지적재조사 제도개선 과제 발굴 및 산ㆍ학ㆍ연ㆍ관 의견수렴
신기술 융복합 및 도시개발사업과의 협업ㆍ연계 토론
지적재조사 협의체(전문가) 발족 등


Time Program Speakers
13:30~14:00 참석자 등록
14:00~14:10 인사말씀 지적재조사기획관
14:10~14:40 MMS를 이용한 지적재조사 프레임 구축 연구 보고 연구진
14:40~15:00 Break Time
15:00~15:30 지적재조사와 도시재생뉴딜사업과의 협업 진병선 事
15:30~16:20 패널토론 및 참석자 의견수렴 등 전체
16:20~16:30 총평 및 마무리 사업총괄과장
제3회 한국국토정보대상

Program Overview

Date 2018.9.12(수) / 13:00 ~ 18:00
Place 코엑스 3층 컨퍼런스룸(남) 401호
Participants 약 250명
Host LX한국국토정보공사
Introduction of Conference 국토·공간정보 산업 활성화 및 산·학·민·관의 협력, 공간정보 우수 아이디어 발굴을 위한 세미나로서 과제 발표 및 시상


Time Program Speakers
13:00 ~ 13:30 참석자 등록 사회자 김영서
13:30 ~ 13: 50 국민의례 및 개회사, 축사, 내빈소개 사회자 김영서
13:50 ~ 14:20 [과제1] 공간의사결정지원을 위한 보행량 지도 구축 방안 팀명: 한글공간
14:20 ~ 14:50 [과제2] 드론 탑재 스테레오 영상 센서 기반 포트홀 탐지 방안 팀명: Hello, World!
15:00 ~ 15:30 [과제3] 공간정보와 측위기술 기반의 재난 대피 시스템 조성방안 팀명: 동행
15:30 ~ 16:00 [과제4] IoT 시대에 부합하는 버스정차 서비스 시스템 개발: BUSTOP 팀명: Special Spatial
16:00 ~ 16:30 [과제5] 소나무재선충병 관리체계표준화를 위한 공간정보 활용에 관한 연구 팀명: Pinetree
16:40 ~ 17:00 [특별세션] 자율주행 오픈플랫폼 생태계 조성 김재환 박사
17:00 ~ 17:20 총평 및 시상식, 기념촬영 부사장
17:20 ~ 폐회
the 5th “Solution Day” for Spatial start-ups

Program Overview

Date 2018.9.13 / 13:30~17:30
Place Coex 307 A
Participants Spatial based start-ups / Around 40
Host Spatial Information Industry Promotion Institute
Introduction of Conference In this conference, the experts from various fields will help the start-ups to find the solutions for sustainable growth, such as finance, marketing or entrepreneurship.


Time Program Speakers
13:30~16:30 Round-table discussion about the alternative issues
16:30~17:30 Individual counselling
제3회 공간정보 활용 창업 아이디어 공모전

Program Overview

Date 2018.9.14(금) / 9:00 ~ 17:00
Place 코엑스 3층 컨퍼런스룸(남) 308호
Participants 전국민 대상 / 120명
Host 국토교통부
Introduction of Conference 제3회 공간정보 활용 창업 아이디어 공모전 시상


Time Program Speakers
10:00 ~ 10:01 개식선언 사회자
10:01 ~ 10:05 국민의례
10:05 ~ 10:10 내빈소개 사회자
10:10 ~ 10:15 경과보고 국가공간정보센터장
10:15 ~ 10:20 기념사 LX사장
10:20 ~ 10:25 축 사 사무총장
10:25 ~ 10:30 축 사 국토부
10:30 ~ 10:45 15´ 아이디어 발표(예비창업자 대표) 장관상 수여자
10:45 ~ 11:00 15´ 아이디어 발표(창업기업 대표) 장관상 수여자
11:00 ~ 11:30 30´ 시상 및 기념촬영 입상기업
11:30 ~ 11:31 폐식선언 사회자